Cash Prizes

Outdoor Delights


Look for the Cash Prizes competition in participating Puzzler New Zealand titles.

Locate the Entry Code on the printed competition coupon in-mag and enter it in the Entry Code field below. TAKE CARE to enter the Entry Code correctly as entries with incorrect codes will be accepted but deemed void.

Complete the competition puzzle, identify the prize answer and enter it in the Competition Answer field below.

Complete all required fields marked with an asterisk, popping 'NZ' in the State field, and submit the form. Good luck!

Please do not provide information about me to any organisation not associated with this competition

Closing date: 02 January 2025

Multiple entries are permitted, subject to the following: (a) only one (1) Online Entry permitted per Participating Title/Issue purchased; (b) only one (1) Mail Entry permitted per Participating Title/Issue purchased. For more information, see the full Terms and Conditions.  

Your info is used to conduct this promotion and may be disclosed to service providers and authorities as required. We may also use your info for our own marketing purposes and as set out in the Terms and Conditions. If the info is not provided you cannot enter. Our Privacy Policy contains details on how info is used, how you may access/correct info held and our privacy complaints process.